Supported by Hamptons

Government funding

We accept eligible government funding to help make early education accessible for all families. Learn more about the available funding options and how they can support your child's time with us.


Parent Declaration Form

Early Years Education funding for eligible 9 months to 4-year-old children

Deferred/Deceleration Form

As statutory school age is the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday, parents can defer their child’s entry to school until later in the year.

Useful Links

Early Years Education (EYE) Funding

Entitlement to EYE starts in the funding period following the child’s eligible birthday, 1 January, 1 April, and 1 September and does not follow the academic year.

Education Online Portal

Using the education portal you can: Apply for funding for early education, school places and transport for your child.

Disadvantaged 2 year old funding offer

Parents can check their eligibility for the disadvantage 2 year old offer via the Education Online Portal. If they need support, providers can do an Assisted Application with them on the Hampshire County Council Provider Portal

Free education if you claim certain benefits

Your 2-year-old can get free childcare if you live in England and get any of the following benefits…

Early Years Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) provides nurseries, pre-schools, and childminders with extra funding to support children to achieve the best early years outcomes.